
M edical  I nformatics  O perating room V itals and E vents R epository


 Documentation    Data Download   Article  If you use this data, please cite: Samad M, Angel M, Rinehart J, Kanomata Y, Baldi P, Cannesson M. Medical Informatics Operating Room Vitals and Events Repository (MOVER): a public-access operating room database. JAMIA Open. 2023 Oct 17;6(4):ooad084. doi: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooad084. PMID: 37860605; PMCID: PMC10582520. Click or scroll to learn more about  MOVER 


MOVER is a repository containing data associated with hospital visits for patients undergoing surgery at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Medical Center in Orange County, California.  The data included in MOVER was collected over 4 years and contains comprehensive EMR records and waveforms for each patient encounter. These records include general information about each patient and their medical history, and specific information regarding the the surgical procedure being performed including: medicines used, lines or drains used, and post-operative complications. The repository includes 58,799 unique patients with data from 83,468 surgeries. MOVER is freely available for download for all researches who sign a data usage agreement and is intended to advance a wide variety of healthcare research. 

There are some known errors in the data, in particular in relation to the value of the gains of some of the wave forms. We are in the process of correcting them and will notify everyone as soon as the corrected files are available for download. Thank you for your patience.