The EPIC dataset contains data from years 2017-2022
Patient Information
patient demographic information including: age, sex, height, and
weight; information regarding the surgery being performed
including: the type of surgery, the start and end time of both
the surgery and anesthesia, ASA status, and discharge
Patient History
patient’s health history including all patient diagnoses
available in the EHR
Patient Visit
diagnosis and diagnosis code for a particular visit
Patient Procedure Events
preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative procedural events
and the corresponding time of the event.
Patient Medications
medications which were prescribed to patients including: the
dose of the medication, the time the medication was administered
or prescribed, and the medication route
Patient Labs
labs ordered for a patient, the corresponding observed
measurements, and the reference measurements for each lab.
Patient LDA
description of lines, drains, and airway devices used on the
patient, the time of placement, the time of removal, and
location of placement
Patient Measurements
all preoperative and postoperative patient measurements
including: vitals, intake and output, pain levels,
complications, and disposition
Patient Postoperative Complications
the type of complication, when the complication was observed,
and a free text note field outlining more specific details
Patient Coding
patient billing codes
The SIS dataset contains data from years 2015-2017
Patient Information
patient demographic information including: age, sex, height, and
weight; information regarding the surgery being performed
including: the type of surgery, the start and end time of the
Patient Medications
medications which were prescribed to patients including: the
dose of the medication, the unit of measurement for the dose,
and the time the medication was administered or prescribed
Patient Labs
labs ordered for a patient, the corresponding observed
measurements, and the time at which each measurement was taken
Patient I/O
patient fluid input and output information including: type of
fluid, volume of fluid, and time of fluid input and or output
Patient Vitals
vital signs including HR from EKG, HR from pulse oximetry,
non-invasive SBP, non-invasive MAP, non-invasive DBP, and SPO2
Patient Observations
high temporal resolution vital signs including: CO, measurements
for the femoral arterial line, measurements from the radial
arterial line, SVV, cerebral oximetry, intracranial pressure
mean, train of four, and base excess
Patient Ventilator
ventilator information including: anesthetic agent, anesthetic
agent inspired fraction concentration, respiratory tidal volume,
respiratory rate, airway positive inspiratory pressure, inspired
fraction of nitrous oxide, and end-tidal fraction of nitrous
Patient A-Line
patient a-line placement time, location, and laterality
Patient Procedure Events
preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative procedural events
and the corresponding time of the event