Patient LDA

description of lines, drains, and airway devices used on the patient, the time of placement, the time of removal, and location of placement


Medical record number which is a unique identifier for an individual patient.


LOG_ID is the identification number for a single patient encounter.

Description, Properties_Display, Flo_Meas_Name, Site

Description says the name of line, drain, airway device, or surgical event in question and the location.  Properties_Display is a free text column that provides more information including: removal time placement time, reason for placement or removal, patient condition upon placement or removal, and location. Flo_Meas_Name is says the name of line, drain, airway device, or surgical event. Site shows the location of event in question. These four columns contain redundant information. 

Placement_Instant, Removal_Instant

These two columns shows the time of placement and removal of a device or the start and end time of and event.


Line_Group_Name groups the devices and events into 12 categories and provides a category name for the line, drain, airway device, or other event.